Cleaning can be a chore, a relief or a little bit of both! Some of us are consistent and methodical in our approach to cleaning, and others more haphazard. However, we are all that person who wants to dust off the cobwebs after a long, dark winter, throw the doors open and let in the fresh air. Spring Cleaning will get you started on your journey to a clean and healthy home, free of dust, debris and clutter. The magazine is full of tips and tricks to make cleaning less drudgery and more satisfying by keeping routines all year, so springtime cleaning is not an enormous task and using the best “green” cleaning products that are good for our home and the environment! Set aside some time and dig in. Spring is just around the corner!
Introduction • Springtime weather has historically ushered in a time of renewal in the house.
The Kitchen • The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s often the center of events and where guests tend to gather. On average, Americans spend 67 minutes every day in the kitchen, which is why it’s the best place to start doing a deep clean.
Clean & Tidy
Kitchen Countertops
Pots & Pans
Nooks & Crannies
Appliance Maintenance
Organizing the Pantry from Top to Bottom
Kitchen Cupboard Makeover
Bedrooms • A calm and inviting bedroom is one of the keys to a good night’s sleep. Cluttered environments can lead to stress and depression. Deep cleaning the bedroom regularly will provide a sense of peace and wellness beneficial to your overall health.
Bedroom Organization
Closet Clean-Out
Recharge & Refresh the Mattress
Kid’s Room Cleanup
Bathrooms • Daily cleaning, as well as deep cleaning, your bathroom keeps germs, bacteria, mold and viruses from accumulating in the damp environment, protects against congestion, irritated skin and respiratory problems, and protects your personal care products and towels.
Scrub-a-Dub-Dub the Shower & the Tub
Down the Drain
Tackle the Toilet
The Bathroom Vanity
The Medicine Cabinet
Living Spaces • Living spaces are for comfort and relaxation, but also places to host guests and gatherings. Even when spaces are rarely used, dust and grime settle into hard-to-reach spots, making a deep clean necessary. Whether it’s called a living room, den or family room, it’s a space devoted to relaxation and entertainment. It’s important to keep it clean and comfortable.
Clutter is one of the biggest challenges in living spaces.
We DO Do Windows
Carpets & Rugs
Refresh the Furniture
Mudrooms, Laundry Rooms & Basements—Oh, My! • These utilitarian rooms are critical to the success of the household—and when they’re dirty, disorganized or underutilized, the rest of the house suffers. Even if you don’t have a mudroom, or you live in an area without basements, you probably have a space that ends up being the “catch-all” for the rest of the house. A few simple cleaning tips and organization techniques can give you peace of mind all year long.
Optimizing the Mudroom
Storage Solutions
Don’t Forget Fido!
Laundry Room Reset
Basement Breakdown
Outdoor Space • The arrival of spring means it’s finally time to be outside. Whether you have a green thumb or just like to soak in the sunshine, make sure your outdoor space is ready for warmer weather. Not only will your neighbors appreciate a manicured lawn and clean gutters, they may save you from more costly maintenance later on. Now that the brown and gray winter has passed, usher in the season of flowers with a comprehensive clean.
House Exterior
Shed Showdown
Garden Beds
Paths, Decks & Patios
Garage & Vehicle Maintenance •...