From windowsills and balconies, to raised beds and containers, you’ll find everything you need for success in this one-stop guide. Follow growing guides and clear step-by-step instructions to enjoy beautiful blooms and tasty crops .
Small garden design • Good design is vital in a small space – every feature and plant has to add value. Whatever space you have, however small, a well-thought out layout can make a huge difference to how big it feels. We’ve got ideas for every style of garden, from small city courtyards to wildlife gardens. And some easy design solutions that will help add impact to your space, from space-saving seats to colours and features that will make it seem bigger.
Small gardens inspiration
Design solutions • It’s easy to unlock the potential in your outdoor space and make it seem larger by using clever planting and design tricks. Whatever the size of your patch, it’s tempting to think about what you could do if you had a larger plot. But lack of space needn’t hold you back. Follow our top tips to fulfil your garden’s potential, whether it’s limiting the colour palette or making your borders bigger. By thinking creatively, it’s possible to make the most of your space.
Make a hanging bird feeder • Even in a small garden, it’s easy to attract wildlife. This colourful hanging basket won’t take up ground space and can be used as a bird feeder or bird bath. It’s simple to make, using dogwood (cornus) and willow prunings, and is ideal for all birds, depending on the food you put out. It should last a few years or more.
Make a climbing frame • Want to grow a climber but not sure how to support it? Make a simple structure, using silver garden wire and metal rods, and create an interesting shape by bending the rods and tying them in place. It can be as big as you like, although a minimum of 1m high is best for lightweight climbers such as nasturtiums.
Make a mini pond • Our pond-in-a-pot is the ideal place to grow some of the miniature varieties of water lily and other small aquatic plants. Large ponds take up lots of space in the garden and a good deal of time. A container water feature, on the other hand, can be created easily, fits into the tiniest area and requires minimal care.
City front garden
Shady courtyard
Plants for small spaces • Choosing the right plants for the right place is vital in a small space. Each has to earn its place in your garden, whether on your patio or in a border or pot. One season of interest isn’t enough – look for plants that flower for weeks, provide structure or other highlights such as autumn colour, berries, striking bark or attractive foliage. The most valuable trees and shrubs for small spaces are the real all-year-rounders that provide a sequence of changing highlights through the seasons, offering structure, colour and scent.
Summer • Every garden should have one or two of these plants – many flower for months, while others are reliable stalwarts – but all make a striking addition to any display.
Design solutions • Plants in a small garden can produce big impact as long as you use them wisely. Choose the right varieties and look at the planting potential of every part of your garden – from the dank, shady corners to the north-facing walls and sunny locations. There is a plant for every situation and we have plenty of design tricks for planting that can help to make your space look bigger than it really is.
Gardening advice and inspiration on the topics you love!
Extend your flower displays • Cutting back plants in late May/June to extend their flowering time is known as the ‘Chelsea chop’. The theory is simple – chopping down flowering perennial stems by up to half delays flowering on those stems until later in the season, therefore extending the...